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A Vampire the Masquerade Actual Play Podcast about fully realised characters in a dark world that deals with difficult, shades of grey decisions. Mathas as GM, Josh, Bub, Dot and Mark all work to bring you intense horror stories.

Mar 25, 2022

In Episode 57 of this Vampire: the Masquerade V5 actual play podcast the coterie faces Father head-on writing a new future for themselves.

Storyteller: Mike Martin
Cast: KP11Studios, Mark Meer, GamingFTL, The Bubbernaut & Little Red Dot

Mar 18, 2022

In Episode 56 of this Vampire: the Masquerade V5 actual play podcast Qadir returns to New York and the final confrontation begins.

Storyteller: Mike Martin
Cast: KP11Studios, Mark Meer, GamingFTL, The Bubbernaut & Little Red Dot

Mar 11, 2022

In Episode 55 of this Vampire: the Masquerade V5 actual play podcast we catch up with Sheriff Qadir and get answers behind his mysterious disappearance.

Storyteller: Mike Martin

Cast: KP11Studios

Mar 4, 2022

In Episode 54 of this Vampire: the Masquerade V5 actual play podcast the coterie attempts to track down Gustav. It's time for some come-upins.

Storyteller: Mike Martin
Cast: Mark Meer, GamingFTL, The Bubbernaut & Little Red Dot