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A Vampire the Masquerade Actual Play Podcast about fully realised characters in a dark world that deals with difficult, shades of grey decisions. Mathas as GM, Josh, Bub, Dot and Mark all work to bring you intense horror stories.

Mar 26, 2021

In Episode 26 of this Vampire: the Masquerade V5 actual play podcast the Coterie must fulfill the Sheriff's request.  

Storyteller: MathasGames
Cast: Mark Meer, GamingFTL, Bubbernaut & Little Red Dot

Stitch of Fate is made possible thanks to our sponsor Die Hard Dice and the kindness of our Patreon supporters.


Mar 19, 2021

In Episode 25 of this Vampire: the Masquerade V5 actual play podcast the coterie has to decide if knowing more about the city is more important than revenge.

Storyteller: MathasGames
Cast: Mark Meer, GamingFTL, Bubbernaut & Little Red Dot

Stitch of Fate is made possible thanks to our sponsor Die Hard Dice and the...

Mar 12, 2021

In Episode 24 of this Vampire: the Masquerade V5 actual play podcast the Drac Pack investigate a club where Thin-Bloods have been breaking the Masquerade. 

Storyteller: MathasGames
Cast: Mark Meer, GamingFTL, Bubbernaut & Little Red Dot

Stitch of Fate is made possible thanks to our sponsor Die Hard Dice and the kindness...

Mar 5, 2021

In Episode 23 of this Vampire: the Masquerade V5 actual play podcast the Drac Pack must choose their allies wisely with the stakes this high. 

Storyteller: MathasGames
Cast: Mark Meer, GamingFTL, Bubbernaut & Little Red Dot

Stitch of Fate is made possible thanks to our sponsor Die Hard Dice and the kindness of our