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A Vampire the Masquerade Actual Play Podcast about fully realised characters in a dark world that deals with difficult, shades of grey decisions. Mathas as GM, Josh, Bub, Dot and Mark all work to bring you intense horror stories.

Apr 21, 2023

In Episode 19 of this Vampire: the Masquerade V5 actual play podcast a familiar face returns with Duke to Gary, Indiana. 

Storyteller: Mike Martin

Cast: Jason Charles Miller, Mark Meer, GamingFTL, The Bubbernaut & Little Red Dot

This show is made possible by the support of Die Hard Dice and our Patreon supporters. We...

Apr 14, 2023

In Episode 18 of this Vampire: the Masquerade V5 actual play podcast, the Drac Pack reunites, and Max learns something new about the Nosferatu of Gary, Indiana.

Storyteller: Mike Martin

Cast: Bubtalks, Mark Meer, Jason Charles Miller, Gaming FTL, and Little Red Dot

This show is made possible by the support of Die...

Apr 7, 2023

In Episode 17 of this Vampire: the Masquerade V5 actual play podcast, Duke phones home and seeks out an old familiar face.

Storyteller: Mike Martin

Cast: Bubtalks

This show is made possible by the support of Die Hard Dice and our Patreon supporters. We can't do it without you.